Make the rest of your life, The Best of your life!

Life is an Experience
Don’t Waste One Moment
It's time to go on some Amazingly Fun Dates!

If there was ever a moment to follow your heart, that moment is now.
Time is not promised to any of us, we must live in the now. What are you waiting for?

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Amazing Couple

"I am head over heels in love! Never did I think I would meet my best friend, and partner for life, online. Frankly, I thought online dating would be a joke, but this time, I went all in, got honest with what I really wanted from a partner, and laid it all on the line. I figured if I found a man just as authentic as me, who was not afraid to admit what he needed/didn't want from a partner, then it would all work out for the best! Guess you can call our adventure a leap of faith, my track record in love wasn't great, but I just kept trying - that's all we can do. We had an immediate connection and friendship. Finding someone you love who is also your best friend is the greatest gift ever. Thank you! "

Lanabelle & Jessie

Never Regret Anything In Life.
If It's Good, Great!
If It's Bad, It's Experience!

We know it can be rough to start over, or break free of a comfortable single-life routine, but anything worth something takes effort.
Amazing Fun Singles, just like you, are ready to mingle.
Take a chance, open your heart and let love in!

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Amazingly Fun Date Ideas

Sweet Date

Heard of a pub crawl? Why not create a Sugar Crawl! Hit all the local sugary spots in town – go ahead, get a stomach ache – it will be so worth it!

Food Festivals or Street Fairs

Who wouldn’t want to go to a pickle festival? Or Bacon Lover's street party? Or a City music festival? The more adventurous, the better.

Volunteer for an Amazing Cause

What about a pet shelter? Who would not want to snuggle up to some adorable pups & kitties? Let your date see your tender and caring side - earn some serious brownie points.

Have a Three-Course Dinner… at Various Places

Sitting down for a long meal can feel stuffy on the first date. Shake things up! Choose three different places. Grab an appetizer, then off to the main course location, and then dessert!

Outdoor Movie or Concert

From outdoor movies to concerts to theater performances, the options are endless. Do a little online research for what's going on in your local town.

Planetarium or Art Museums

Exhibits change frequently, and whether art, history, or science - there’s something for everyone. Challenge yourself to learn something new and open your mind to endless possibilities of fun!

Zoo It

The zoo is an awesome place to explore and get to know someone on a new level— the abundance of animals also means there’s no shortage of conversation!

Feeling Really Adventurous?

Plan a weekend away to a location neither of you has been to before. Explore the city and each other.

Live Life Fully While You're Here, Experience Everything!

Live your best life, try new things - Love awaits!
Break free of the mundane . . . Meet singles in your area
looking to make a connection full of fun & excitement.

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